Space Settlement Summit 2022 Sessions

Biosphere II


Anita Gale

CEO, National Space Society


“The prototype for the iconic Biosphere 2 campus has been restored and is being expanded into a modern, sealed enclosure for hermetically sealed Mars habitat research. SAM, a Space Analog for the Moon and Mars, is a unique environment that offers opportunities for studies of mechanical and plant-based life support, food cultivars, microbiology, and much more. The Director of Research at SAM Kai Staats and founding Director of the University of Arizona Center for Human Space Exploration (CHaSE) Trent Tresch will discuss research plans, findings, and partnership opportunities in this rapidly expanding, exciting field of human space flight and exploration.”

Lunar Settlement


John Mankins

Mankins Space Technologies, Inc.

National Space Society Board of Directors

Establishing a Settlement on the Moon; realizing the vision of the Moon Village

This discussion will consider the prospects for establishing a permanent human settlement on Earth’s Moon during the coming decades. Key issues involve the technical (where and how to establish a biologically self-sufficient settlement), the economic (what market opportunities might provide the financial drivers for a settlement), the social (what governance models should be considered, how can governments and private sector players cooperate, etc.), and the international (what countries are going to the Moon, for what purposes, how can they cooperate and how well they compete). The discussion, organized by the Moon Village Association (MVA) will draw upon recent studies as well as the results of the 2022 International MVA Workshop and Symposium (conducted during November 8-10).

Military Space


Peter Garretson

Independent Strategy Consultant


The Security Underpinnings of the Space Settlement Vision

This panel will explore what security services will be necessary to enable the Space Settlement vision. The safety, security, and economic returns of frontier settlements, often positioned at the extreme reach of a logistics capability, have often been at risk from both natural hazards and human competitors, and typically required some support from the sponsoring polity to nurture them to self sufficiency. How could and should we posture our military services to support the settlement vision? The panel will examine what sorts of security-related services have enabled settlements on Earth, and the historic and anticipated roles that uniformed services may play in fostering the growth of space settlements and securing the lives, property and economic interests of the settlers.

Space Finance


Scott Livingston

CEO, Livingston Securities

Financing the Space Economy, Updates and Outlook for the future

The finance panel will focus on 3 things:

  1. Financing the Nano Tech Revolution
  2. Changing the way innovation is financed on Wall Street
  3. Connecting you and your local innovation economy

Ames Summer Study Retrospective


Mark Hopkins


The 1975 NASA Ames Space Settlement Study That Started It All

A panel dominated by actual participants will discuss the study and its historical implications. This was the first serious examination of Gerard O’Neill’s Space Settlement Ideas that was conducted by unbiased experts. While O’Neill was a participant, the study was dominated by people that were initially skeptical. Was Space Settlement technically feasible? Was it economically plausible? The results led within a few months to the formation of the L-5 Society, a precursor of the National Space Society, as well as forming the technical foundation for two books: Gerard O’Neill, The High Frontier and T. A. Heppenheimer, Colonies in Space. Additional studies and numerous articles followed. The Space Movement was born.